Hey Gang....
Summer is almost here, and I'm pumped about all that is going in our church! The summer days are active ones for our Student Ministry. We will work hard to keep you updated on what God is doing on Choir Tour, Mission Trips, and other goings on as we update this blogsite! Feel free to leave encouraging comments and prayers on the comment section! Here is a list of weeks that we will be out this summer. Be praying that these are not just 'trips', but times where we meet with the Lord and have opportunities to proclaim Him!
June 2-9 Choir Tour 2010 (Memphis/St. Louis/Kansas City)
June 14-18 VBS
June 20-25 Mission Arlington
June 27-July 5 Senior High Mission Trip to The Bowery in NYC
July 12-20 Senior High Mission Trip to Cajamarca, Peru