Monday, December 13, 2010

Baptism Night

Last Wednesday night at IMPACT we observed the ordinance of baptism together. It was an incredible night as 7 Junior High and High School students shared their testimony and were obedient to the calling of Christ to be baptized. Click here to check out pictures of the incredible night!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent Conspiracy Promo Video

Last night we challenged students to join the story and be a part of the Advent Conspiracy. The video explains more...

Students were given an opportunity to voluntarily select a card with a gift to purchase for various organizations (toys for the Dorcas House, baby items for New Beginnings, games for Our House or chickens, milk and other oversea needs for Samaritan's Purse). They were then encouraged to take those cards home to a parent or grandparent or any one who normally buys them a present for Christmas and ask to receive one less gift this year. And in place of that one gift to have their help purchasing a gift for someone else.

Students will have 2 weeks to gather their gift(s) and bring them December 15 where together we will present our gifts as an offering and worship the coming of Christ together!

Did you know it's estimated that Americans spend 450 billion dollars at Christmas every year?And it's been estimated that we could rid the world's problem of clean water for about 10 billion. One person can't do it alone...but one person can make a difference. Together we're joining a movement across America to change the way Christmas is being done. It's less about me...and what I want. And it's more about Christ...and the sacrifice that He showed us:

Worship Fully
Spend Less
Give More
Love All

Questions about the Advent Conspiracy? You can visit their website at

Student miss last night? Want to be involved in the Conspiracy at FBC but not sure how? Or just need questions answered about the Conspiracy? You can contact us at (501) 778 2271 or by emailing me at

Merry Christmas!