Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day 4 is over....

Day 4 was a fun day as we begin to wrap up our day in Charleston. We stayed in the dorms of Charleston Southern University last night. After some doughnuts and juice we headed to a Retirement Village to do part of our concert with some of the residents there. I believe that many of them were encouraged and blessed. Our students did a great job of meeting the residents and encourgaging them!

This afternoon we played on the beach and ate lunch by the ocean. It was a very warm day and there were a lot of red faces and shoulders as students hustled back to the bus. We then traveled to FBC Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina to prepare for 3 worship services tomorrow. We also spent some time in God's Word as we continued our study "The Great House of God". Tonight we looked at the chapel and what Jesus meant when he taught the disciples to pray 'hallowed be thy name'. We specifically talked about what it means to petition God to come and take His holy place in our lives. It was a good day!

Pray for strength and stamina tomorrow! We will be singing in 3 worship services in the morning, then traveling to Columbia, South Carolina to lead in worship with our full concert Sunday night! Be looking for more pictures soon!


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