Friday, August 12, 2011

It's A New Year

Hey gang!!

I hope you are as excited about a new year of life and ministry as I am. We have had an incredible summer, as we experienced the blessing of seeing God work and move in us and through us. From an incredible night of camp on Choir Tour where the Holy Spirit moved in freedom and power to life changing moments of service in the streets of New York City, to intimate times of worship at Student Life Camp. It has been a good summer.

However, we must not simply dwell ONLY on what God has done, but we must anticipate what He wants to do NOW and in the COMING days. I believe that God is about to do some incredible things in our church and specifically our Student Ministry in the coming days!

We will kick off a new year of IMPACT THIS Wednesday night, August 17th! I hope that you will be intentional about inviting your friends who do not have a relationship with Jesus to come and experience love and truth! We have a lot of stuff planned on a calendar, but if we do not plead for the Spirit to come and move that's all they are...merely stuff on a calendar. So....join me in praying for God to move in our church, to save the lost, and if it His will...send revival in our church and community!

May we be a people of ANTICIPATION! Love yall!


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